Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Babies are such SWEET beginnings.

My mom and I were lucky to meet this mom-to-be before her shower, which makes any project more enjoyable!   She is expecting a new baby girl any day!  We were so happy to be able to make these cake pops just for her in celebration of her new arrival. 

We had fun designing these little bite-size rattles for the shower.  

We were also very happy to have made a few extras for ourselves.  I took one home to show my husband, and it didn't take long for him to devour the little pop.  How can anyone resist spice cake with cream cheese and covered with a white chocolate frosting?  

We added the little bells on the rattles to give it a little jingle!  So cute!

Congratulations and Happy Baby Shower!!  

The Sweet Taste of Success

We were contacted by Erin, a marketing representative from Utility Telephone, who asked if we could make some custom cookies for their San Luis Obispo office.  (Utility Telephone focuses exclusively on services for businesses, and serves Internet and telephone service to businesses throughout California and Nevada.)   Erin told me that UT's multiple offices had been working hard to quickly complete the 'branding' on various projects.  It seems the SLO Office isn't so 'slow' after all, and they completed the assignment faster than the other offices!  It was Utility Telephone's desire to show their appreciation to the SLO employees by surprising them with some treats from XOXO Cookies.

Erin's idea was to give the employees cookies which represented their business.  So we decided on telephone and logo designs.   We knew immediately what the logo was going to look like, but the telephone was trickier.   Modern telephones can look quite different from the old standards, and many people in offices are now sporting headsets rather than the older handset models.  We thought it could be risky to design a phone too far removed from the well-known standard phone icon, so we didn't!  But we haven't had much call for phone cookies, and we had to get creative.  

Here is the basic phone design we came up with.  I cut it out of a used plastic container.   I was prepared to hand-cut each telephone when the hubsters offered to try his hand at reshaping an extra square cutter we had.

It doesn't look much like a phone yet, does it?  A little lopsided maybe?  Keep scrolling. . . 

Every iconic phone had a cord on its handset, so the template had to allow room for a cord, too!  It doesn't look so crazy now, does it?  The cord was actually one of the harder elements to this cookie.  It had to be edible and it had to be curly.  We tried different ideas (including black licorice) and we finally settled on hand-rolling our own chocolate curled phone cords.  

Much better now, isn't it?

Erin had sent us some enclosure notes for the bags and asked that they be delivered bright and early one morning.  When she told me that someone would be there at 7:00 am, I assumed we'd find one groggy looking person still turning on lights and equipment.  But this office has it going on!  We were greeted by a couple of smiling and surprisingly bright-eyed employees already going about their business!  No lack of energy in this office!  My guess is their reward was well-earned.

 Congratulations to the San Luis Obispo office.   
We wish you continued success!

Monday, February 14, 2011

All you need is love, and a little chocolate doesn't hurt!

It's been a while since we have posted anything.  It's hard to believe that we are mid-way through February already!  The past two weeks have been challenging, both at work and at home.  The hubster had the extreme misfortune of hosting kidney stones!

It's terrible to see someone you love in pain, and the experience has left me even more thankful for those days we have together when we can focus on more fun things than waiting for an IV drip to take effect.      

February is the month we all take the time to remind our friends and honeys how much they mean to us. Whether it is a love note, flowers, or a special sweet treat, it's nice to receive a fun surprise.

We planned to spend the day making some cake pops for a baby shower, but the shower got postponed until next week.   So we took the time to experiment with some fun cake bites for ourselves.

We got kind of silly with some of the decorations.... these projects are truly time-consuming and our feet were pretty tired by the end of the day.   However, there was no denying that popping one of these puppies in your mouth took all the pain away!  Mmmmm...spice cake with cream cheese and covered with a white chocolate frosting.  A little bedazzling, and you have a colorful little treat.  Just the right size!  And they are small enough that you don't even feel guilty eating a couple of them!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day and appreciated those people who make your 
EVERY day a special one!