Saturday, March 20, 2010

May the road rise up to meet you.

I've been looking forward to this day for a long time.... St. Patrick's Day always holds special charm for me.  Corned beef and cabbage and green mashed potatoes are always on the menu, and the crazy Irish tunes I listened to as a kid are still etched in my memory's songbook.  

But this year, we are welcoming some good friends' new baby into the world with an 'after the fact' baby shower!  A "meet and greet" if you will!  Baby Rohan arrived much earlier than expected and Mom missed her baby shower altogether.  But as luck (of the Irish) would have it, that meant that Baby Rohan got to attend his own party, and better yet, all of the guests got to swoon, snuggle, and smother him with kisses!  Quite a treat for us all!    Check out his sweet cherub face on these cookies.   Adorable li'l lad, isn't he?!    Welcome, Rohan!

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you 
in the palm of His hand. 


Sunday, March 07, 2010

Happy 30th birthday!

My very good friend celebrated her 30th birthday yesterday with a "I'm Wiggin' out cuz I'm turning 30" party.  Everyone came in crazy wigs or hats to help celebrate out at her family's ranch.  We decided that she needed some sassy cookies to make the night complete!  After we found out she would be wearing a pink wig and a black sweater, we thought the bright pink and green with black would be perfect.  
We enjoyed making these cookies and had even more fun showing them off. Everyone got a kick out of the photo cookies with her face on them and they were the first to go.  We loved making matching shoes and hats for the dresses and we felt like we were playing dress up on the little cookies.  :-)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Summertime Picnic

The sun came out for a few hours this morning, so I moved myself outside to soak up a few rays.  The rain is much needed in our California coastal community, and we all appreciate it so much.  But feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin makes me forget about all that, as I mentally transport myself back in time, when our girls were young.  Days spent on the beach playing on boogie boards with friends.  Picnics with family friends and sand in the macaroni salad.  Watermelon juice running down little arms.  Standing in line deciding which flavor ice cream would best adorn their soon top-heavy cone.  Bottles of sun screen, and yet still brightly pinked cheeks.  Portable barbeques and matches that succumb to the wind.   Kites.  Fireworks.  Tidepools.  

I love the rain, but my best memories are in the sun, with my family.  What's better than that?   