Sunday, January 15, 2012

You want what??

My very, very close friend and confidante in my working world is Kathy. She is the most sincere, gentle, kind, and overall real person you could ever want to know. And, she tolerates my crazy stories each morning, and allows me to be my silly self, which is the BEST way to spend your week when you can't be spending it on a vacation in the sun. or in the snow. or in the rain. Let's face it, we could enjoy a vacation at home!

Now, Kathy has another friend!  I know!  I felt betrayed when I learned. But Kathy confessed that she has had this friend since high school. (She even proved it to me with her H.S. photos!) Ah... memories of toilet-papering my own friends' houses, getting dressed up for no reason, hanging out and laughing for hours at nothing.... but I digress.

Moving on with my story, Friend likes giraffes!  Actually, 'like' might be a bit of an understatement. Anyway, Friend's birthday was coming up, and Kathy wanted to take her some giraffe cookies, of course! So Kimi and I got together and came up with a giraffe we thought would make Friend smile! Not to mention move me up on Kathy's friend list ;-)

Here's the finished cookie, dressed up and ready for the birthday reunion. We fell in love with our giraffes, most likely because they are a bit silly, just like us.

Meet Kathy. (Didn't I say she was gentle and kind?) Did I mention she is a nut for dogs?? No wonder I love her!

Thank you to Kathy, for allowing me to take part in your 'after hours' life. And to Friend, I hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration and a great visit with my friend.  :-)

It's always wonderful to see the cookies' final destination, and know that they are being enjoyed. These pictures were forwarded by Friend. Friend is sharing just a portion of her collection of other giraffes. Aren't they fun?

Absolutely Giraffilicious! 

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